兩位神級跑手François D’Haene及Fernanda Maciel 襯大家都在法國Chamonix時,特別準備左一個環節,就係兩位分享左佢哋訓練及比賽時嘅飲食貼士。以下節錄俾大家參考,希望可以幫助大家應付嚟緊嘅賽季~ Francois: 我比賽途中一定會一個鐘食一支gel/一條bar,每個鐘都一定要有能量補充! Fernanda: 比賽CP我一定會食咸咸地嘅食物例如薯仔,及避免飲太甜嘅飲品例如汽水等。 Francois & Fernanda: 長途比賽去到中後段可能你已經食唔落甜味嘅食物,包括energy gel同甜嘅energy bar。呢個時候食咸嘅食物可以令你身體繼續吸取到能量應付賽事,但又唔會反胃。
5 tips for tapering
1. Ideal duration of taperingThe ideal duration of tapering is 15 days. During this period, the amount of training should be gradually reduced (by approx. 50%), all while maintaining intense and specific training. This will enable your body to recover and increase your performance. 2. How many tapering periods should there be per year?Two tapering periods per year are enough: athletes...
Ride without overheating
Riding in the sun isn’t easy and your body needs to adapt. The cyclist who is particularly exposed must be protected from the burning sun which can have serious consequences on the group. Here are some ground rules for cycling serenely in summer. Avoid overheating During exercise, your body temperature increases and in order to limit this ‘pressure-cooker’ effect, the body eliminates heat...