Reowned Hong Kong trail runner Jacky Leung made the history of Hong Kong Four Trails Ultra Challenge (HK4TUC) by breaking 50 hours in Feb 2021. 

When he reached the final trail of Lantau Trail, it is so surprised that his friend Julien Bonnard greeted him at Mui Wo Pier. 

“Julien told me I could make HISTORY! ”Jacky said. “In the very beginning, I am wondering what he is talking about!”

As Julien is also a ultra-trail runner and understand the feeling of a runner who has been running for a long distance, so he tried to pass this message in emotional way trying to cheer up Jacky.  

“After I left Mui Wo, I really absorbed the words of Julien telling me…… to make history, his allez and keep going fast……, it is really critical! It is the main keywords inside my mind, and I really looped all these words during my running in Lantau. 

Jacky really executed running fast on the catchwater. During the last 2 summits, “I really want to hit under 50 and think about HISTORY HISTORY HISTORY, so I keep eating the gel, keep eating my food to energize myself, even after I finished all the food at the top of Sunset Peak, I ate the red gel of Overstim.s. Although my legs seems to be nothing left, but I still pushing hard to try hit under 49 hours 30 minutes so that to make it even faster. 

For the last dash to the green post, I did not walk towards to green post, I really want to show energetic me, to show that we are the human, we can do the same in future, everyone can do the same for under 50 in future. 

photo by William Leung, Photosbyme Photography 遊。我攝