Classic trail race Lantau 70 finally re-opened on 25/3 and ran successfully despite the unpredictable weather! Even the ground on race day was muddy and slippery, many runners still capable of finished the race in a pleased time. We were lucky to interview this year’s female Champion – Katrina Hamlin on her shoe strategy during the race, from a pair of max-cushioned Ultraventure Pro to a super ground-feel Runventure 4. What’s the idea behind it? Let see what Katrina shared to us:

“I’m so happy someone noticed the shoe strategy because I spent way too long thinking about it! I wanted the race to go well because I’ve waited years to run a “real” LT70, not a virtual edition. I tried to buy new shoes for the occasion but the ones I tried in the shop all felt wrong. That race needs super grip and very light weight uppers, especially in the wet weather, and I just couldn’t find what I wanted.

Then I remembered I’d worn the Ultraventure when I ran the virtual LT70 during Covid. They were just right for the Lantau Trail, excellent Vibram grip and not too much fabric, so they didn’t get too heavy in the rain. I would have liked to run the whole course in them, like last time, and I probably would have done that too, but when we got stopped at Tai O to wait out the storm, I decided to grab my backup pair from the drop bag - dry shoes and socks for the speedy concrete sessions sounded nice! I knew the Runventure 4 are also very light and feel nice when I’m trying to go a little faster so even though it wasn’t what I’d planned it was a good idea. I moved pretty well in the second half and overtook a fair few boys.”

Katrina finally won the race in 9:36, what an incredible time! She also added a few words why she loves TOPO so much:
“I don’t have a lot of ink to spill on that! They just work. For the last few years they are the only shoes I’ve used for long training runs and races because they can handle HK terrain, even in wet and wild weather, and they never hurt my feet or mess with my gait. Just no-nonsense, hard-working gear :)”

Ideas of changing shoes in the middle of the race really works differently to runners. Some might need to change for dry feet, mix of terrains… There is no right or wrong to it, just make sure you always find the most comfortable gear and suitable plan for you race. Don’t try new stuff you were not familiar with. Happy trails!